Dr Chio Glow

Dr Chio Glow

PHP 5,000.00

It is a ground-breaking skin care supplement based entirely on natural ingredients that help to provide Oral Sun Protection, Antioxidant combination that reduces UV damage.

It also lightens and even out skin tone by reducing melanin production, ensuring your skin looks radiant and youthful. Being plant-based product, there are little side effects and is generally safe to consume. It is useful in reducing aging skin as to helps to restore the collagen level of your skin.


  • Promotes skin elasticity reducing collagen breakdown (Anti-aging)

  • Provides sun protection (Sun shield) and reduces photo damage

  • Protects the skin from free radical damage (Anti-oxidant)



  • is a proprietary ingredient derived from non-GMO tomatoes rich in the colourless carotenoids, phytoene and phytofluene. It is extremely nutrient-rich with strong whitening and photo-protecting ability.

Grape Seed Extract

  • is a dietary supplement made from the seeds of grapes. It’s a potent source of antioxidants, particularly proanthocyanidins. The antioxidants in GSE may help alleviate the oxidative stress, inflammation, and tissue damage.

Polypodium Leucotomos

  • made from the plant is thought to help treat inflammatory skin conditions and protect against sun damage.

All ingredients are scientifically proven, naturally produced, backed by scientific studies, this unique combination of Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins, Phytofluene, Phytoenes anti-oxidant complex will bring out the “GLOW” in you!

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